4I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制
2I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制
01垃圾吧1I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制1毕竟貌似简单加速行不通了 期待更有价值的刷法13先讲讲刷子的职业素养吧、人各有志、一个游戏、有的人追求的更高一层的技术、有的人追求的是华丽丽的数据、有的人是单纯为了消磨时间的娱乐、等等等、、、我们呢?我们想要的只是点亮那一个个图标时的喜悦、 1、身为一个刷子、我们建个房间加上密码禁掉旁观、只刷自己的小号就好、开黑之类的那种畸形心里是本人最为鄙夷的、 2、加密、禁旁观、小心驶得万年船、被人举报封号封个几天一周什么的也叫人不爽、当时还统一给一些数据异常0@花爺 @a823194147 @111风扬 @昱__0I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制0I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制0I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制0I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制0I am the bone of my experience 吾以经验为骨 Water is my body 以水为吾身 And tomb is my blood 以坟为吾血 I have push DuNiang countless time 吾曾无数次推倒度娘 Never loss 从未失手 Nor never satisfied 亦从未满足 With stood pain to crowds of experience 吾独醉于经验之中 Yet those hands will never hold anything 故此生已无任何意义 So as I pray 所以吾祈求 Unlimited Water Works 无限水制1吧内有大神吗?新人刚来00……0想刷百胜 9区 无奈没有20级的号 求刷子借我用四个20级的小号 求啊求21一楼献给吧娘 谢谢吧娘送给我们这个贴吧 我们永远感谢25大家应该都知道IP相同无法在竞技场相遇对吧,但这个代理IP可以给你一个外省的IP给你。只需你2个版本的桌面版或者1个版本的桌面版和1个网页版就可刷117131917求将胜率刷低,但又不掉文功,简便的方法14今天晚了改天再水吧